
Bitter Medicine Bonuses

I visited my family doctor.
The doctor checked my body and told me that
my blood pressure was a bit high.
So he prescribed
some blood pressure medicine
for me!

Three months later,
I visited my family doctor again.
He checked and confirmed that
my blood pressure was controlled and normal.
But I told the doctor that
the joints in my hands sometimes ached.
The doctor explained to me that
blood pressure medicine would
cause joint aching.
So he prescribed
some joint ache medicine
in addition to
some blood pressure medicine
for me this time!

Another three months later,
I visited my family doctor again.
He checked and confirmed that
my blood pressure was controlled and normal.
I told the doctor that
my hand's joints did not ache now, but instead,
my stomach sometimes ached.
The doctor told me that
the joint ache medicine could
cause a stomach ache.
So he prescribed
some stomach ache medicine,
in addition to
some joint ache medicine and
some blood pressure medicine
for me this time!

I only hope that such bitter medicine bonuses
will not be further added to me,
they will only agitate me and push my blood pressure
to go up much more!


 Daughter- Medicine



Compulsive Hoarding vs Hoarding Phobia (囤積症 vs 囤積恐懼症)

Some people have the urge of hoarding
some interested items,
such as books, toys, dolls, pets, etc.     

Among these people, 
some are with the very strong urge to 
collect large quantity of these interested items 
to an extent that normal people will not own the items 
in such an excessive quantity 
that are beyond 
their means to keep them or 
daily need to use them.

But what about if you have means to keep them, 
for example, 
if you have enough space at home, 
will you buy for your own use 1,000 pairs of shoes 
and keep them at home at the same time?
These people satisfy their psychological need 
by compulsive hoarding of many interested items 
but with a persistent reluctance of discarding or 
parting with their possessions.

 I don't know whether  
compulsive hoarding is a psychological disorder.  
However, I am sure it is a psychological disorder 
for me to have the hoarding phobia: 
I feel dreadful when having the idea of 
excessive quantity of an item 
just in mind, and worse feel frightened if at sight:
For example, 
one Hello Kitty doll is cute to me, 
the sight of hundreds of Hello Kitty dolls grouped together 
will however seem awkward and make me sick!

But I have one exception:  
The Hello Kitty doll can be substituted 
by everything 
except US Note!


Face's Face Value

Some say that the factors determining one's life
are in the following priority: 
First: Inborn Fate (Gene)
Second: Life Encounters
Third:  Feng Shui (Environment)
Fourth: Good Deed Performance 
Fifth: Studying

Inborn fate surely includes your inborn face!

With a good-looking face forming part of your good fate, 
your life and living are positively determined, 
even if you do not study hard to equip yourself with necessary knowledge/qualifications for work and living!
Without a good looking face, 
you need to struggle hard to 
pursue the second to fifth factors above 
to turn your life better on. 
Such hard struggle makes you
both physically and physiologically exhausted 
and give you an even worse look!

Yet, though a good looking face contributes 
much to your good life,
it is not quite necessary to get
a 120% extra-good looking face,
it will invite lots of jealousy and troubles
if you are too beautiful / handsome!

As you must have a good fate before 
you can have a good face, 
thus just a slightly good looking face is OK 
to help you well to survive. 

Chinese Version






Observable Aging vs Unobservable Aging

When we are getting old,
we are experiencing some changes in our own bodies.
Some are having swelling bellies
while some are having whitening hair.
Their aging is easily seen.

Some others are experiencing changes
that are not easily seen.
Some are having weakening bones; or
some are having joint-aching.
Their aging is not easily observable.

Observable aging is less harmful to health
yet it is psychologically more damaging!

Unobservable aging is more harmful to health
yet it is psychologically less damaging!

It seems that the God is very fair!
You need not own them all~
yet you cannot leave them all~


The Beatles - When I am Sixty-four


Life in Average

Every one can only lead one's life once.
So one can count what one has done
throughout one's whole life in total.
However, for statistical purpose for various uses,
one should count what one has done
throughout one's whole life in average.
For example, success or failure,
in whatever aspects,
with whatever means and ends, 
it is better measured in average of whole life.

With this perspective to live,
we should not become too happy
with some successes at certain points,
And we should not be too depressed when
with some failures at some other points.

Measured in average,
some success or failure may be 
deviated much from the average!
Don't take it too serious!
Count it in average, as it may be just
an isolated deviation from your average!


James Morrison - One Life