
The bottom-line of a professional

Who is a professional in a special field?
A professional in a special field is a person
who is tested and assessed to have attained
the required level of expertise in the special field such that
he can serve or speak for the profession
by providing his service at or above
the required level of expertise.

Unless a professional suffers from
mental disorders or Alzheimer's Disease,
he must be able to serve or speak for
the profession by providing his service
at or above the required level of expertise
he have attained.

A sensible professional would defend and protect himself
not to fall below the bottom-line of his professionalism.
A professional will not be a professional anymore
if he for whatever reasons acts below the bottom-line of 
his professionalism once, just once! 

A below-bottom-line professional is
no more a professional,
in the eyes of not only professionals,
but also non-professionals.


Sting - Shape of my heart.

Leon The Professional.
