
The worth of a heart of gold vs that of a heart of flesh

How much is a heart of gold worth? 
He just says it is worth something.

How much is a heart of flesh worth? 
He just says it is worth anything.

Angus & Julia Stone - Yellow Brick Road

Just a spoon full of sugar makes
the medicine go down
Sweet Mary Jane, won't you lay me down?
Lost my heart in California, lost my mind
Shot me down with a revolver, got me high
Then a heart of gold came on the stereo, 
Mr. Young made me cry
Then all the colors of the rainbow fell in my eyes

I lost my mind long ago
Down that yellow brick road
I lost my mind long ago
Down that yellow brick road

Took a train to the river where 
I dove right in
That skinny dipping girl made 
the blue bird sing
Fell in love in California, 
she blew my mind
She shot me down with her revolver, 
she got me high
Then the weather man came on the radio, 
said there'll be sunshine
Then all the colors of the rainbow 
fell in my mind

I lost my mind long ago
Down that yellow brick road
I lost my mind long ago
Down that yellow brick road


366 Days in A Year

What to do if you are given one extra day every year?  

Try something new.

Four seasons

How many seasons one can have!

Age × 4.
Not many.

If you only love one particular season, 
say winter,
How many winter one can have!
not quite many.

張國榮 Leslie Cheung -《春夏秋冬 A Balloon’s Journey》MV

 秋天該很好 你若尚在場
秋風即使帶涼 亦漂亮
就像落葉飛 輕敲我窗
冬天該很好 你若尚在場
天空多灰 我們亦放亮
漠視外間低溫 這樣唱
燃亮飄渺人生 我多麼夠運
從沒再疑問 這個世界好得很
暑天該很好 你若尚在場
燒得肌膚如情 痕極又癢
燃亮飄渺人生 我多麼夠運
從沒再疑問 這個世界好得很
是某種緣份 我多麼慶幸
如離別 你亦長處心靈上
寧願有遺憾 亦願和你遠亦近
春天該很好 你若尚在場
初春中的你 撩動我幻想